Linux and USB 3.0

The newest, fast interface, USB 3.0, is finally out, but only one operating system has native support for it: Linux.

Ever get tired of Windows people proclaiming how their operating system has device support for this, that, and the other thing and Linux doesn't? Well, now you have a perfect come-back. The newest, fast interface, USB 3.0 is out and only Linux has native support for it.

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Linux started supporting USB 3.0 in the September 2009 release of the 2.6.31 Linux kernel. Neither Windows 7 nor Snow Leopard currently supports USB 3. Windows support? That will have to wait for Windows 7 SP1 ---whenever that shows up.

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Users who have been around for a while may be saying what about Firewire, aka the IEEE 1394 interface standard. It's true that Firewire, Apple's name for their implementation for the technology, was faster than USB 2.0. Firewire 400 could reach a peak throughput of
400Mbps and 800 could, as you might have guessed, hit 800Mbps.

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